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Press and Mortar

Coffee- Peru Organic

Coffee- Peru Organic

Regular price $19.00 USD
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Press & Mortar


Peru's unique blend of Caturra, Bourbon, Catuai, Pache, and Catimor beans is a cup of heaven in every sip. Grown by the Cooperativa Agricola de Servicios Norandino at 1100-1700 M in the region of Piura, Amazonas, Peru in soil rich with clay minerals and processed using the gully wash and sun-drying method - this medium roast will leave you salivating for more. With tasting notes of salted caramel, silky sweetness, and citrus acidity - Peru is a certified organic FT-grade coffee you simply can

*Ground coffee is roasted the day before it is to be shipped to allow the "outgassing."

* Whole beans are roasted and shipped on the same day.

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