Vaca, Vacca, Vache, by Rachael Afra

Vaca, Vacca, Vache, by Rachael Afra

Cow, buffalo, sheep, and goat milks are gifts from the cheese gods. Other mammals, like camels, and plants, like coconuts, produce excellent cheeses. However, I will not cover these not-so-common kinds of milk due to their scarcity, price, and time required to make cheese. If you are traveling abroad or if you find here in the States, and feeling adventurous, I recommend trying these exotic cheeses.  


*Other milks would be Yak, Donkey, Horse, Reindeer, Alpaca, and Deer. 

Cow's milk—with its high-fat content—is the most prevalent and widely sourced milk available worldwide. Dairy caretakers milk their cows twice daily, year-round, following a strictly regimented milking schedule. Cows experience pain when they are not milked or not milked on schedule and can potentially risk infections. Cow's milk versatility helps produce cheese, butter, yogurt, ice cream, and plain milk for drinking. Pasteurized, homogenized or unhomogenized cow's milk makes the best cheese; however, at an Ultra High Temperature (UHT), it's a challenge for cheese curds to form. Making cheese with reduced fat or skimmed milk can be tricky, and it often creates a cheese that tastes sweet. Cheesemakers do not recommend half-milk and half-cream (aka half and a half). To make double or triple creams—like brie, all cheese makers add additional fats throughout their recipe.  


Raw milk cheeses in the States are available. Cheese lovers can ingest them only when they mature, after sixty days. Raw milk foreign bries pose a risk of listeria, salmonella, and E. coli and can kill people with weakened immune systems. After sixty days, raw milk cheeses mature and become safe to eat. Their acids and salts are lower in pH value, making it challenging for harmful bacteria to live and grow. Raw milk can taste full-flavored, but it's different than raw milk cheese. In the 1800s, tuberculosis spread through raw milk. In 1863, chemist Louis Pasteur used heat for a short time to kill germs and bacteria in foods and drinks. His famous discovery was pasteurization, and we continue this process today. (*Side note: Please exercise caution with raw milk cheeses and follow your doctor's advice).  * This lovely raw milk brie, is made here in the States and is put out usually around the holidays. They won't be able to cut it since it is sold by the piece instead of a cut piece. 


Until next time, off to the next chapter.  


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